


If you Left-Click on the emerald, you will set the item’s Buy Price (player gets item, shop gets money), while if you Right-Click, you will set the item’s Sell Price (player gets money, shop gets item).

Note that you cannot set the Sell Price to be higher than the Buy Price. You are also only able to sell one type of item per chest shop.

An example of a Chest Shop

An example of a Chest Shop

By opening up the shop menu of any shop you own and clicking the book, you can access the Shop Transaction History. Here you can see a list of all recent sales or purchases from any of your shops. Alternatively, you can also access your transaction history with /chestshop history

Note: Marking a transaction as read will permanently delete it from the history.

Here is an example of the Shop Transaction History:

Here is an example of the Shop Transaction History:

Last Edited August 30, 2024