<aside> 💡 Remember to check up on your shops! If the rent expires, you will lose access to your shop and it may be claimed by someone else!

Everything will remain inside of the shop - chest shop signs will pop off whenever the next person rents it. This means that they will have access to the chests.


If you are wanting to make a shop in our dedicated market area, rather than your own playerwarp, you need to first travel over to /warp market. Here there are 40 slots for players to claim and make their own shops in.

A player who has claimed a shop may freely build within the bounds of their slot, but cannot modify the walls, ceiling or floor.

Claiming To claim a shop, you will first need to rank up to Merchant Rank. Then, you can use /findshop to find a vacant shop. When you’ve found an unclaimed shop you like, simply right click one of the signs in front, and it will automatically claim it for the next 24 hours in your name if you have the funds.


If you want to own your shop for longer than the default, you will need to right click the sign again to extend the rent for an additional 24 hours up to a maximum of 2 weeks claimed at once.

Once a shop is claimed, any player may teleport directly to your shop by performing /shop<number> For example, in the above image example, the command would be “/shop13

If you do not want to rent your shop anymore, you can use /unrent and it will unclaim your active market shop.

Sizes: Among the 40 shop slots, there are 3 available sizes. Most of the shops are smaller, but there are 8 medium sized shops upstairs, and two large shops downstairs as well.

Every available size has a height of 12 blocks

Small ( 9x7 Blocks )

Small ( 9x7 Blocks )

Medium ( 9x13 Blocks )

Medium ( 9x13 Blocks )

Large ( 12x15 Blocks )

Large ( 12x15 Blocks )

Last Edited August 30, 2024