/rtp - Opens a menu for you to choose to randomly teleport in the Overworld or randomly teleport in Resource World.

/g - Sets your chat to speak in General Chat.

/tc - Sets your chat to speak in Town Chat.

/lc - Sets your chat to speak in Local Chat.

/wiki - Displays a link in chat to visit the CastiaMC Wiki.

/recipes - Brings up a menu that will provide all our custom crafting recipes.

/relics - Brings up a menu that will provide information about some of our custom items.

/faq - Brings up a menu with helpful commands for beginners.

/discord - Displays a link, in chat, to join the CastiaMC Discord Server.

/kit starter - You can claim a basic starter kit once every 24 hours. This is the basics you start with.

/mail send <name> <message> - Sends a private message to a person, if they are offline, and they will see it when they log in next.

/msg <name> <message> - Sends a private message to that person.

/r <message> - If you see pink chat, this is a private message from someone. Typing this command replies directly to that message.

/livemap - Displays a link, in chat, to access our livemap for both Towny and Resource worlds.

/toggleframevis - Face an item frame with an item in it and this command will turn the frame invisible.

/hdb - Brings up the Heads Database menu of for sale decorative blocks.

/hats - Brings up the Hat Store menu for purchasing custom hats.

/furniture - Brings up the Furniture Store menu for purchasing our custom furniture.

/sbt - Toggles the scoreboard on the right hand side of the screen.

/seen <name> - Will tell you if the player is currently online and if they are AFK or not.

/trash - Brings up an inventory screen you can place items into and when you exit, those items have been 'trashed' and are gone.

/vote - Displays the links, in chat, to the 5 voting sites and tells you how many votes you have so far.

/vote reward - Tells you what rewards you will receive at the voting milestones.

/vote top - Shows you the top 10 voters and their total votes.

/store - Displays a link in chat to visit the CastiaMC Store.

/tpyes or /tpaccept - Accept an incoming teleport request.

/tpno or /tpdeny - Deny an incoming teleport request.

/tptoggle - Enables or disables the ability to receive teleport requests.

/pay <name> <amount> - Sends that amount of money to the person.

/payon & /payoff - If you want to turn on or off the ability for people to send you money.

/payconfirm - Toggles the /pay confirmation message.

/copyright <name> - Locks your current map and stops others from being able to copy it.

/chestshop history - Opens up your shop Transaction History.

/ignore <username> - Ignores a specific player’s messages in chat.

Last Edited September 21, 2024